Tuesday, December 30, 2008

whiskers on kittens

christmas i had a terrible head cold, so the camera was missing in action, which is sooooo unlike me. it was gone in a flash and there was lots of driving, cough drops and not much sleep. i am thinking next christmas. . .a beach, calming waves, peacefulness and some sunshine. how does that sound??

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i caught a moment with izzy in the car while her mom was in the grocery store. the light from the parking lot glowing on her little face. so innocent and peaceful. so beautiful.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

things are a little bit blurry. . .

Life is so so short and there is so much hate and ugliness in the world that we have to hold on to the perfection of a moment. Hold on to the rightness of a touch. Believe in the magic of love.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

fun with pomanders

pomander fun tip from Stacey: poke a hole with a toothpick before shoving a clove in it, saving fingertips from pain. I made the type that don't last too long, because if I wanted to make the real deal I would have had to start earlier to have them for Christmas. Since my time machine is not working right now, the fake pomander will have to do.