I was sorting through some old pictures and stuff and I found this poem that I wrote my brother a few years ago. Tomorrow is his birthday so I thought I would share it. I think I must be missing him lately. . .
There's just not enough time
for country back road rides
Maybe next time. . .
My scary voice driving past "The Circle"
"Planet Caravan" that echoed into the night
Bebe guns and army men without heads.
Dirt mounds, sled paths in the strip-mines
Puppy in the tree, scooters down the hill,
"Dad, what happened to my E.T. poster?"
"Wait till we get home from church"
Brock park in the springtime
Clink of the bat, Big League Chew.
I would hold onto the fence and watch you
Rocking back and forth with my teddy bear
(Not going to Ohio U. not going anywhere)
We used to fight and argue
or sometimes not even talk at all
Now there's just no time for it.
Three weeks out of the year isn't enough
time to spend with you now
Will it always be like this from now on?
Will it just be once a year and then you are
Trace the words on the seat in front of you
Dad won't know
Just me and you.
My talented cuzzy.
ahhh warm fuzzies!
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