A crisp fall day
Bill cuddles so comfy put me at ease
Curtains billow on a windy day
Desk in perfect order
Every moment I capture in a camera’s lense
Friends not too far away for a chat
Grew up in Paris
Hikes in the woods with the fam
Innocent childhood
Just being myself
Kilts worn by Scots
Letters from Iraq, Kuwait, Germany, and Kosovo
Make a fresh pot of tea
Nest in a tree
Ohio back roads
Popcorn from Pittsburgh Popcorn Company
Quest for perfection
Rusted Root at Bonnaroo
Shady Side art show on Walnut Street
Twins, red headed
Unquenched thirst for knowledge
Violin softly soars in a music hall
Whisper “I love you.”
X-cellent use of the letter X
Yell to be heard
Zoo close by, in Highland Park
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