So, I am driving back to Pittsburgh yesterday after spending the weekend in Ohio, and the sky and roads are completely clear. To my wandering eyes appear, a snow storm, all of the sudden, oh dear. Yes, and it was horrible. I was stuck on the side of a hill for an hour, and there was a guy in a white car that came down the hill and smacked into the back of my vehicle and passed me in the ditch on the right and kept going! Yes, another hit and run friends. It is true. I started thinking, "Why me?" Then I realized that I was not the only one stuck on that hill, there were dozens of us stranded.
SO I REALLY HATE DRIVING IN THE WINTER. REALLY HATE IT. And I figured that maybe this was some sort of sign, like, if you can get through this night, you can do anything. A two hour drive took me four and a half hours. White knuckling, praying, hot flash sweating, no radio, slipping and sliding through West by god Virginia and through some hilly parts of Route 30 in Pennsylvania. The snow followed me all the way home!
Torture for me. I had no one else to take the wheel and if I didn't force myself to drive, I would not get to my destination. I pulled over several times, feeling like I just wanted to give up. I thought I would just wait until the snow stopped, or something. Once I glanced up to see that I was sitting beside a seedy icky porn shop trailer on top of a mountain, and thought I probably better keep on moving. This was not where I want to be. I really really wanted to get home so that I could get to my honey's arms. I inched my way through the ice and the snow, slowly for hours, knowing that when I reached my goal, I would be safe and I did it. All by myself. Life gives us tests, things that make us go outside of our comfort zone, challenges. We have to face them head on, and sometimes there is no one to take the wheel. You have to trust yourself and take the plunge. It might be scary and getting there may be hard, but it is worth the hard work. Pay no attention to the truck that scaled the guard rail head first on your right, you have to keep on truckin'.
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